Category 3 Measuring Outcomes Professional Development CPD Diary

Category 3 Measuring Outcomes / CPD Handbook

CPD Categories and Activities

For the purposes of increasing diversity of activities for a broad CPD learning experience, the hours allocated for activities are maximum claimable hours (highlighted with an *) that can be used towards the CPD requirement. You may perform additional hours in these activities though only the maximum claimable hours will be used in the calculation of the CPD requirement.

The tables below lists approved activities and their maximum claimable* hour allocations. When entering CPD hours, for other approved activities that do not fit into the general activity titles listed below, you can selectOther measuring outcomes/audit activities not covered above’.

Category 3: Measuring Outcomes - minimum of 5 hours

Measuring outcomes involves audits relevant to your scope of practice which can include clinical, morbidity and mortality, education and training, and medical defence activities. Office record reviews (ORR) using prospective or retrospective data, can also be performed. You must complete a minimum of 5 hours of Measuring Outcomes. 25 hours must be achieved and this can include hours combined with Reviewing Performance.

Surgical audits and peer reviewsThese are important strategies in improving standards in medical and surgical care. For participation and process of the audit there are 12.5* hours under Measuring Outcomes, which can be linked to the peer review of the audit and implementing practice changes under reviewing performance for a further 5* hours. More information is available:

Office Record Review (ORR)An ORR is a retrospective audit of a patient's medical records pertaining to history, examination, investigation, diagnosis and management of a specific condition. It is a form of documentation audit introduced by the CPD Committee to assist Fellows who are not operating to fulfil their CPD requirements. You can claim 5* hours for each ORR. There is a list of 27 excel templates that can be downloaded: Each template pertains to an ophthalmic diagnosis with a specific definition and time frame requirement.

Medical defence auditsThese are allocated at 5* hours for the audit process, under Measuring Outcomes.  A further 5* hours under Reviewing Performance can be claimed for the associated peer review meeting and implementation of practice changes. 

You may undertake audit activity as a group provided:

  • Individual results are available as part of the group results
  • There is an audit meeting for discussion of results, feedback, so each Fellow can formulate a plan for improvements.




RANZCO External audit: e.g. ANZSRS, FRB, FGB, FCB, FTB, ACGR (claim for peer review and implementing practice changes in Review Performance)

per hour, maximum claimable 12.5hr per audit

Clinical/Educational/Training Audit (claim for peer review and implementing practice changes in Review Performance)
per hour, maximum claimable 12.5hr per audit

RANZCO clinical audit tool - RCAT - (claim for peer review and implementing practice changes in Review Performance)

per hour, maximum claimable 12.5hr per audit

Morbidity & Mortality/Case conference meetings
per hour, maximum claimable 5hr per day

Completing Office Record Review (ORR)

per hour, max 5hr per ORR

Medical defence audit
per hour, maximum claimable 5hr per year

Healthcare reports^^

per hour, maximum claimable 5hr per report

International Development (a quality improvement project):e.g. education and measuring outcomes (if audited)
per hour, maximum claimable 12.5hr per year

Other measuring outcomes/audit activities not covered above

per hour, maximum claimable 5hr per activity

 maximum amount of hours that can be claimed for each activity

^^ Healthcare reports are a report regarding any aspect of healthcare pertaining to the scope of practice for ophthalmology. They must have sufficient detail and substance to quality for a Measuring Outcomes activity. Examples include a Chair's Report, Committee Report, writing for RANZCO's Annual Report, a Workforce Review Report or Business Case Plans. 

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