CPD Handbook

CPD Handbook

RANZCO Continuing Professional Development Handbook 2023

A note for RANZCO CPD Users

RANZCO requires all Fellows to complete CPD. Fellows can freely choose their CPD Home provider. If this is not RANZCO, a certificate of completion from an accredited CPD Home must be lodged with RANZCO each year.

RANZCO is an accredited CPD Home with the Australian Medical Council (AMC). The 2022 RANZCO CPD Framework aligns to the requirements of the Medical Board of Australia (MBA) and the Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ).

RANZCO CPD users can be assured that if they are compliant with RANZCO’s CPD requirements, they are meeting the compliance requirements set out by the MBA and MCNZ.

What is involved?

A CPD Framework

Registered medical practitioners who are engaged in any form of practice are required to participate regularly in CPD. The CPD must be relevant to their scope of practice to maintain professional currency, and support them to maintain, improve and broaden their knowledge, expertise and competence, and develop the personal and professional qualities required throughout their professional lives. RANZCO’s CPD program is made up of requirements set by the Medical Board of Australia and the Medical Council of New Zealand. These involve a Professional Development Plan, a CPD Diary, a CPD Home, accredited resources and more, all outlined below:

Professional Development Plan (PDP)

A professional development plan is a written plan that outlines a practitioner’s learning goals relevant to their current and intended scope of practice and how they will achieve the goals. It includes self-evaluation of the learning goals and achievements from the previous CPD cycle and the planned CPD activities to achieve learning goals in the current year. RANZCO’s PDP is divided into two sections, Part A and Part B.

Part A involves planning CPD activities to achieve learning goals and is to be completed at the beginning of each year. Upon completion, 1 hour of CPD, under Reviewing Performance, can be claimed in the CPD Diary. Part B involves self-evaluation and reflection of learning goals and achievements from CPD activities and is to be completed at the end of the year. Up to 2 hours, under Reviewing Performance can be claimed once complete.

Social and Professional Responsibilities (CAPE)

RANZCO CPD Participants are to consider how they are continuing their professional development in relation to CAPE:

·       Culturally safe practice - links to https://lms.ranzco.edu/course/view.php?id=1571

·       Addressing health inequities - links to https://lms.ranzco.edu/course/view.php?id=860

·       Professionalism and - links to https://lms.ranzco.edu/course/view.php?id=860

·       Ethical practice. - links to https://lms.ranzco.edu/course/view.php?id=860

RANZCO CPD Participants are also to consider ways they can embed CAPE into existing measuring outcomes and reviewing performance activities. Resources that support embedding CAPE into your CPD activities can be found within the educational resources available above.

 CPD Diary

The CPD Diary is used for documentation and uploading of CPD activities. Users are encouraged to log activities as they are completed and to add reflection elements to increase learning outcomes. A step-by-step guide is in the FAQ section at the end of this document.

CPD Home

The CPD Home is a directory to resources, courses and activities that are accredited with CPD hours. It can be accessed using the following link

Accredited CPD Resources

RANZCO, through the CPD Committee, accredits courses, activities, and events from third parties. Accreditation is governed by the RANZCO Accreditation of CPD Resources Policy. These accredited resources will be identifiable by the RANZCO logo and hours listed on their marketing material however may not all be listed in the CPD Diary and the CPD Handbook. For resources not listed they can still be claimed under the “Other activities not listed” option relevant to each category.

Verification Audit

As required by all CPD Homes and based on the MBA requirement for audit activity, RANZCO completes an annual random audit of CPD user records. RANZCO’s random CPD audit occurs annually, usually in February, and includes five percent of its CPD users. If you are selected for audit, you will be notified in writing and asked to provide documentation to support your claims. CPD users are expected to maintain documentary evidence of their CPD activities.

The documentation requirements for the CPD verification audit can be found under the FAQ section at the end of this document.

AHPRA also conducts independent yearly audits and can call upon you to verify your CPD claims. AHPRA requirements state that records must be kept for three (3) years.

Certificate of Completion

A RANZCO CPD Certificate of Completion is required as a registration standard and can be printed directly from the RANZCO CPD Diary. A “Step-by-Step”-Guide can be found in the FAQ section at the end of this document.

CPD Policy

The CPD policy establishes the governance structures and measures, and outlines the scope and purpose, of CPD.

Your guide to the CPD Diary

The CPD Diary is available online or through your App/Play Store. Search “RANZCO CPD Diary” in the App/Play store and download the following application. If you do not have internet access, contact cpd@ranzco.edu for support.

CPD Categories and Resources

For the purpose of increasing diversity of activities for a broad CPD learning experience, the hours allocated for activities are maximum claimable hours (highlighted with an *) that can be used towards the CPD requirement. You may perform additional hours in these activities though only the maximum claimable hours will be used in the calculation of the CPD requirement.

The tables below list approved activities and their maximum claimable* hour allocations. To claim CPD hours for other approved activities that do not fit into the general activity titles listed below, you can select “Other activities not listed”.

Category 1: Education – Minimum 12.5 hours

This involves individual and group activities, ranging from direct journal reading, webinars and RANZCO Learning online modules through to conference attendance, research, publications, higher education and teaching.

RANZCO Education Activities


RANZCO Education Activities



Maximum of:



maximum of:

Higher degree/Postgraduate studies/ Research activities

20hr per year

Meetings, congress, conference, workshops and webinars**

5hr per day

Attending or presenting at Journal Club, Grand Rounds, Departmental teaching

10hr per year

Participating in "Train the trainer" workshops

5hr per year

Completing Journal and online based assessment tests

5hr per year

Participating in Diversity & Inclusion meetings or workshops.

5hr per year

Directed Journal Reading

10hr per year

Author of a book chapter/book, editor of a book

15hr per book

Completing RANZCO Learning (Including Supervisor Training Modules)

10hr per year

Presenting Poster or Paper at scientific meeting

5hr per presentation

Teaching/ Lecturing/ Participate on in Forums/Panels (includes developing educational resources)

25hr per year

Reviewer of manuscript, journal article, book, thesis

15hr per year

Publications: Author of a paper published in a refereed scientific journal

10hr per project

Reviewing ethics and grant proposals

10hr per year

RANZCO trainees/SIMGs: Mentoring, Supervising, Surgical Coaching (Teaching, preparation for teaching. Excludes Assessment which falls under category 2, reviewing Performance)

10hr per year

Other educational activity not covered above

5hr per activity

 * maximum amount of hours that can be claimed for each activity

** a list of conferences and meetings is available from the College's event calendar.

Category 2: Reviewing Performance – minimum of 5 hours

This involves activities that analyse and reflect on actual work processes. This often includes feedback from peers, colleagues, and patients. This can be in the form of peer review activities, patient and practice surveys, quality assurance, risk management and participation in RANZCO committees and also includes the Professional Development Plan (Part A and Part B), cultural competency, medicolegal peer reviews and reporting activities. Also, participation in RANZCO examinations as an examiner or being involved in the Selection process. You must complete a minimum of 5 hours of Reviewing Performance (2 of those must come from your PDP). 25 hours must be achieved, and this can include hours combined with Measuring Outcomes.

Peer Review Practice Visit: A peer review practice visit is an alternative to a formal audit of surgical or medical care. You can claim 12.5* hours as either a host or a visitor. Visit RANZCO Learning for more information.

Medico-Legal Reports: Those who specialise in medico-legal services may submit and/or peer review medico-legal reports to fulfil the requirement and can claim 5* hours per report. These reports should be de-identified due to confidentiality.

Audit/Peer Review Meeting: A formal meeting or webinar should have a Chair and a written record. Data and results analysis should be available for discussion. Self-reflection of one’s performance in comparison to peer data can also be completed. Recommendations for implementing practice changes should be recorded. You can claim up to 5* hours for participating in a Peer Review Meeting.

RANZCO Reviewing Performance Activities


RANZCO Reviewing Performance Activities



maximum of:



maximum of:

Professional Development Plan

Part A



RANZCO examiner (incl. chair, development, preparation, examination, reflections)

25hr per year

Professional Development Plan

Part B

Min 1hr compulsory

RANZCO trainer/supervisor reflection and assessment. (covers all the assessments the trainer/supervisors do for the trainees, reviewing performance, and filling in the RANZCO assessment forms and excludes teaching time)

12.5hr per year

Peer review practice visit (host or visitor)

12.5hr per


Hospital/Practice/Training Post Accreditation

10hr per year

Patient/Practice/College Survey^

5hr per year

Medico-legal (report or peer review of expert witness)

5hr per report

Simulator training (self- training)

10hr per year

Clinical Governance/ Participation in Quality Assurance Activities, relevant to: Hospitals, Practices, Medical Advisory, Risk Management, Clinical Research and Technology, Medical Associations and Societies

25hr per year

RANZCO Clinical Governance/Participation in QA activities (Board/ Council/ Committee)

25hr per year


Cultural Competency Activities: (incl. RANZCO’s resources)

12.5hr per year

Medical Defence peer review meeting and implementing practice changes

5hr per year


Peer review meeting & implementing practice changes

5hr per year

RANZCO Professional Development Activities

5hr per day

RANZCO Selection Process and Development (incl. chair, development and/or review of MMI scenarios and/or involvement in MMIs)

5hr per day

RANZCO Health and Wellbeing Activities (Online resources & Congress sessions)^^

5hr per year

Participating in risk management/clinical governance/professional values meetings

5hr per day

Annual conversation (NZ CPD users only)

5hr per activity

Other Reviewing performance activity not covered above

5hr per activity

* maximum amount of hours that can be claimed for each activity

^ Patient/Practice/College Survey includes participation in, or conducting a survey of, patients, or practice or College-related surveys. College surveys include RANZCO's Workforce survey or those related to the training program. All surveys should be of sufficient length to cover at least one CPD Reviewing Performance hour, which would also include reflection and analysis. Marker research surveys do not qualify.

^^Any external Health and Wellbeing activities, need to be approved by RANZCO prior to claiming CPD hours.

Category 3: Measuring Outcomes – minimum of 5 hours

Measuring outcomes involves reviewing practice data and reflecting on your patients’ health outcomes in activities like audits relevant to your scope of practice which can include clinical, morbidity and mortality, education and training, and medical defence activities.

Office record reviews (ORR) using retrospective data, can also be performed. You must complete a minimum of 5 hours of Measuring Outcomes. 25 hours must be achieved, and this can include hours combined with Reviewing Performance.

Surgical audits and peer reviews: These are important strategies in improving standards in medical and surgical care. For participation and process of the audit there are 12.5* hours under Measuring Outcomes which can be linked to the peer review of the audit and implementing practice changes under reviewing performance for a further 5* hours.

Office Record Review (ORR): An ORR is a retrospective audit of a patient’s medical records pertaining to history, examination, investigation, diagnosis and management of a specific condition. It is a form of documentation audit introduced by the CPD Committee to assist Fellows who are not operating to fulfil their CPD requirements. You can claim 5* hours for each ORR. There is a list of 27 excel templates that can be downloaded: here.

Each template pertains to an ophthalmic diagnosis with a specific definition and time frame requirement.

Medical Defence Audits: These are allocated at 5* hours for the audit process, under Measuring Outcomes. A further 5* hours under Reviewing Performance can be claimed for the associated peer review meeting and implementation of practice changes. You may undertake audit activity as a group provided the individual results are available as part of the group results and there is an audit meeting for discussion of results and feedback so each member can formulate a plan for improvements.

RANZCO Measuring Outcomes Activities


RANZCO Measuring Outcomes Activities



maximum of:



maximum of:

RANZCO External audit: e.g. ANZSRS, FRB, FGB, FCB, FTB, ACGR (claim for peer review and implementing practice changes in Review Performance)

12.5hr per audit

Clinical/Educational/Training Audit (claim for peer review and implementing practice changes in Reviewing Performance)

12.5hr per audit

RANZCO clinical audit tool – RCAT (claim for peer review and implementing practice changes in Review Performance)

12.5hr per audit

International Development (a quality improvement project): e.g. education and measuring outcomes (if audited)

12.5hr per year

Completing Office Record Review (ORR)

5hr per ORR

Medical Defence Audit

5hr per year

Healthcare reports

5hr per report

Morbidity & Mortality/Case conference meetings

5hr per day

Root Cause Analysis

5hr per report

Other measuring outcomes/ audit activities not covered above

5hr per activity

Incident reports

5hr per year



What if I don’t think I will be able to meet the CPD Hours or be able to comply with the CPD requirements?

Review section 5.3 of the CPD Policy. It is critical to alert RANZCO’s CPD Team at the earliest opportunity.

What if I want to retire?

The Medical Board Australia MBA and Medical Council of New Zealand MCNZ set the requirements for becoming CPD Complaint. Information can be found on their website. The Australian Medical Council (AMC) accredit RANZCO to provide a CPD Framework that supports Fellows to meet these requirements and ensure that the activities undertaken by the CPD participant are within the practitioner’s scope of practice. To meet the RANZCO CPD requirements set by the MBA and MCNZ you will need to be able to review your performance and measure the outcomes of work completed within the Ophthalmic scope of practice.

To maintain registration, the medical practitioner must do some form of work in the scope of practice. It may not be direct clinical work, but other activities, such as medico-legal reporting, surgical assisting, and ophthalmic administration, are still within the scope of practice. If you are not working within the ophthalmic scope of practice, you cannot meet the CPD requirements set by the MBA and MCNZ.

Please contact RANZCO if you have any questions or decide to retire.

Why can’t I log in to my CPD Diary?

You should be using your RANZCO email which is firstnamelastname@ranzco.edu

If you are unable to remember your password, here is a link which will assist you in updating it: https://support.ranzco.edu/portal/en/kb/website/username-and-password 

 How do I access my PDP?

1.      Log into CPD Home.

a.      Log in using your RANZCO email, which is firstnamelastname@ranzco.edu

2.      Scroll down to the PDP section and select ‘2023 Annual Professional Development Plan (PDP) - Part A due 31st March 2023’

3.      Select ‘2023 Annual Professional Development Plan (Part A & B)’ and please read all instructions on the page carefully.

4.      As PDP is now all on one page you need to save the page every time you do any edits to either activity. To do this for the planning activity, scroll down to the very bottom of the page and click: Finish Attempt. Once you have clicked Finish Attempt then, simply close the browser tab or window.

5.      The above step transforms your responses into an 'attempt' that can be re- edited anytime during the year by re-entering the quiz and clicking: Continue the last attempt. Later you will come back into this same page and complete the review and reflection activity.

6.      Once you have completed the table and selected ‘Finished Attempt’, then return to https://ranzco.edu/cpd/, select the ‘Access the CPD Diary’ button and add the activity 'Professional Development Plan Part A'. How do I access the CPD Diary?

7.      Undertake your CPD Activities by completing them as usual across the whole year (adding the activities to your diary).

8.      Once you have completed your CPD activities, complete Part B situated below Part A. Once you have finished your final edits for the year and are happy with your entries to both the plan and reflection, you need to click ‘Finish Attempt’, and then on the next screen click Submit all and finish. This 2-step process finalises your PDP and you will not be able to make further edits.

9.      Once you have submitted your PDP, then return to https://ranzco.edu/cpd/ and select ‘Access the CPD Diary’ and add the activity 'Professional Development Plan Part B'.

10.  Don't forget to finalise your PDP Part B before 31 December 2023.

How can I edit and review my PDP when my circumstances have changed?

To edit or review your PDP, follow the above steps until step 5 then follow the steps below:

To edit: Scroll down and select continue last attempt.

To Review: Scroll down and select review on the right-hand side, you will be able to view your responses but not make any changes:

Once your PDP Part A is completed and you have claimed the hour in your CPD Diary, the next step is to begin working towards meeting what you set out in your PDP Part A. However, if throughout the year your circumstances change and you are unable to meet what you set out in your PDP, don’t fret as the PDP is there to assist you in having a more focused approach to CPD and is not a rigid plan.

What are the Level 2 activities under Reviewing Performance?

The level 2 activities under Reviewing Performance are the PDP activities. This set-up allows RANZCO staff to quickly and accurately determine if someone has not entered their PDP into their Diary.

I have completed my PDP: why is it not showing in my CPD Diary?

The PDP and CPD Dairy, are two different systems that cannot communicate with each other and as a result once the PDP has been completed the user then has to manually enter that activity into the CPD Diary.

How many hours can I claim for completing my PDP?

PDP Part A = 1 hour Reviewing Performance

PDP Part B = up to 2 hours Reviewing Performance

How do I access the CPD Diary? How do I enter CPD Hours?

1.      Log into the RANZCO portal

2.      Log in using your RANZCO email, which is firstnamelastname@ranzco.edu

3.      Select the CPD Diary tile from your dashboard.

4.      Once in your diary, please select the “Add CPD Activity” button

5.      Select the ‘dropdown arrow’.

6.      Type a key word of the activity into the search bar. If you cannot find your activity. Search for:

·       Other Educational activities not listed

·       Other Review Performance activities not listed

·       Other Measuring Outcome/audit activities not listed

·       Then enter the Activities in the ‘Optional’ Section at the bottom (see step 8)

7.      Select the activity and add the ‘date completed’ and the ‘hours claimed’.

8.      Scroll down the page and select the ‘Optional’ drop down to add attachments and detailed notes when you enter an activity so that if you are audited by RANZCO or AHPRAH you will not have to go searching for verification documents.

9.      Select ‘Save’ in the top right-hand corner and the ‘Close’ to exit.

 How do I download a CPD Certificate OR a copy of a CPD Diary?

The CPD Certificates and CPD Diaries are downloaded directly from your CPD Diary. Certificates can only be accessed early in the next CPD Year.

Please follow the below steps to download your CPD Certificate/CPD Diary:

1.      Log in to your CPD Diary via the RANZCO Portal.

2.      Log in using your RANZCO email which is firstnamelastname@ranzco.edu.

3.      Select the CPD Diary tile from your dashboard.

4.      Click on the “CPD Diary” on the top right-hand corner as indicated in the below:


5.      Click on the 3 dots in line with the required CPD Diary, in the “More” column on the right- hand side.

6.      Click the “Download CPD Certificate or Download CPD Diary” in the pop-up box.


 I am a RANZCO Fellow, but I am not currently registered to practice Ophthalmology with AHPRA in Australia or MCNZ in New Zealand. What should I do?

If you are not registered in Australia or NZ, you do not need to comply with RANZCO’s CPD Framework. Please submit to RANZCO your country’s equivalent Ophthalmic CPD accreditation each year before 31 December for assessment to maintain your RANZCO Fellowship. cpd@ranzco.edu

My CPD Diary states that I am ‘non-compliant’ even though I entered enough CPD

Due to technological restrictions the system is unable to identify if 25 hours have been entered in total across two categories. It can only identify the hours entered in each category individually. If you believe you have met the compliance requirements, please contact the RANZCO CPD Staff who will be able to provide you with confirmation and a certificate.

How do I do an audit?

Below is a general guide on how to complete an audit:

The Medical Board of Australia (MBA) and the Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ) requirements include reviewing performance and measuring outcomes. To meet these requirements, you may choose to conduct an audit on a specific aspect of your practice or patient care. This can include the structure of care, process of care or the outcome of care.

There are 5 stages when conducting an audit:

Stage 1: Determine the Scope/Topic - Prepare your audit

You will need to select a topic, preferably one that you may deem a high priority for your practice or patients. This could involve areas where there is a high volume of work, high costs or high risk of care, or an area that has been identified as a priority by patients. In stage 1 you will also need to identify your available resources. For example, there may be existing guidelines that define desired standards for the topic you have chosen.

Stage 2: Select Standards

Define the standards and criteria of your audit that are in line with current practice. When developing or selecting these standards, it should be expressed as a clear evidence-based statement. You should refer to literature that is in line with current practices and guidelines. There are three options to pick from when selection standards:

1.      Ideal Standard: the standard of care that should be given under ideal conditions with no constraints.

2.      Minimum Standard: the lowest acceptable standard of performance. Primarily used when distinguishing between acceptable and unacceptable practice.

3.      Optimum Standard: the standard lying between ideal and minimum and represents the standard achievable under normal conditions.

Stage 3: Collecting and Analysing Data

Identify the type of data that needs to be collected, how it will be collected and in what form. Data can be obtained via electronic records, manually, or by both means. Collected data should be analysed and compared with the selected standards from stage 2. Determine if your data has met the standards, and if not, determine the potential reasons why or how these standards were not met. To help you collect quality data, consider the following:

·       What information do you need to answer your topic question? From whom? where and how will you collect this data?

·       Should you collect this data prospectively or retrospectively? Is data collected absolutely essential and relevant?

Stage 4: Present and Interpret Results with Peer Review

After you have collected and compared your data against your chosen standards, present and interpret your audit results with peers and discuss your outcomes. Peer review is an integral component of audit. Peers are other ophthalmologists with comparable training and experience. It is also helpful to include other members of the team during the review, for example, a trainee or nursing staff. The review should be conducted in an atmosphere of trust, confidentiality and taken as an opportunity for growth and improvement. Peer review is not an opportunity to blame or brag.

Stage 5: Make Changes and Monitor Progress

This involves the implementation of the required changes that were discovered during stages 3 and 4. To complete the audit cycle in its entirety, follow up is required to determine if the actions that were implemented have been effective or to uncover if further improvements are required.

I have been selected for the random RANZCO CPD Verification Audit; what do I do now?

As part of the CPD Program RANZCO conducts an audit of 5% of its CPD users each year. Members should upload documentation to the CPD Home or retain the following documentation and submit, if required to verify:

A photocopy of your diary entry, receipt, confirmation or an equivalent notice of meetings or conferences that you attended showing:

·       Date, time, location and duration

·       Name of organization

·       Name/Purpose of meeting

Recording journal readings

·       photocopy the table of contents and tick those read in detail

Audit activities

·       audit topic, scope, summary and conclusions, duration and date of completion of audit peer review - name of peers or committee and date of review (Note: All patient identifiers must be removed when supplying documented evidence.)

Teaching, training and examination

Fellows should retain the following documentation and submit, if required to verify:

·       Brief description of teaching topics

·       Dates, location, duration and participants involved

·       Details of examinations attended, brief description of topics, participants and dates

·       Copies of certificate of attendance, letters of invitation or letters of appreciation

·       Copy of presentation or program, notes, date, time and location of presentation

Research and publication

·       Publications - provide details of the published work, e.g. photocopy of article reference etc.

·       Research - details of projects and organizations conducting the research

For assistance contact us via the below:

PO Box 92 – Strawberry Hills NSW 2012 Telephone: +61 2 9690 1001 Email: cpd@ranzco.edu

Alternatively, you can contact your CPD State representative for further information via cpd@ranzco.edu

CPD Committee

(as of December 2022)

A/Prof Lawrence Lee


Dr John McCoombes

State CPD Representative, Queensland

Dr Nigel Morlet

State CPD Representative, Western Australia

Dr Verona Botha

State CPD Representative, New Zealand

Dr Nathan Nielsen

State CPD Representative, Tasmania

Dr Susie Luu

State CPD Representative, South Australia

Dr Andrew Crawford

Board, CPD Representative

Dr Colin Chan

State CPD Representative, New South Wales

Dr James Jabbour

State CPD Representative, New South Wales

Dr Jeffrey Friedrichs

Senior Fellows Representative


CPD Coordinator

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